This Russia Based healing device, ABP-051 is a medical physiotherapy device for Stress Buster and Arterial Blood Pressure Correction. This independent therapeutic device has proven extensive efficacy for patients with cardiovascular diseases.

This device is designed for the non-invasive correction of arterial blood pressure & the normalization of the body’s overall condition.

Europe - ABP-051
EC Certified

Normalizes Blood Pressure,
Instead of Reading

Effective For Cardiovascular Diseases

Europe - ABP-051
EC Certified

Normalizes Blood Pressure, Instead of Reading

Effective For Cardiovascular Diseases

Benefits of ABP-051

Blood Pressure control is now simpler

In Fameelyn, we believe in making a difference to every life and conserving nature as a whole, simply a life filled with happiness, a life filled with wellness. We present you the world’s most gifted Wellness Device- AB-051.

High-Tech Healthcare at your home

Electrostimulation is how the gadget functions. The gadget has two electrodes that are mounted to the wrist and exposed to electricity onlyoccasionally. The vasomotor centre in the medulla responds to exposure by altering the smooth muscle tone in the small arteries. If the tone is reduced, blood pressure will drop; if it is increased, pressure will rise. Create a new healthcare approach with the blood pressure corrector ABP-051